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Xano raises $5M to prove that No-Code can scale

Xano raises $5M to prove that No-Code can scale

Since our launch in January 2021, more than 20,000 businesses have started using Xano as a Backend to power and scale their applications. We could not have achieved such fast growth without an amazing and supportive community of builders.

Today, we are excited to announce that we've raised a $5M round led by MHS Capital, joined by Engineering capital and a handful of amazing angel investors.

This funding marks an important milestone on the road to accomplishing our broader mission: To empower anyone to create scalable, world-class software.

Today, Xano is the de-facto Backend that the No-Code community turns to when they want to build without limits. This community is rapidly growing as more and more businesses turn to No-Code to solve their needs.

We believe this growth is due to a few key factors, including the developer shortage and the reality that today's software demand far outpaces the number of developers that can build. This trend has given rise to a group called the citizen developer - namely business users who can develop applications for themselves and others using No-Code tools.

Even with this demand, many believe that No-Code should only be used for small-scale apps or to build an MVP.

This reputation is largely due to the failure of existing No-Code tools to address a few key areas that Xano offers its customers:

  • Scalability: The infrastructure needs to meet large-scale applications' traffic and processing power demands.
  • Business Logic: Creating unique software requires being able to express complex business logic. More than connecting one service to another via a simple No-Code integration is required.
  • Security & Compliance: Security laws such as HIPAA, GDPR, ISO27001, and SOC 2 require measures like dedicated infrastructure, region-specific deployments, and compliance certifications.
  • Interoperability: In most organizations, traditional developers have already built systems that house data and business-critical microservices that need to be integrated with.

Xano is part of a new generation of No-Code tools that will enable the creators of tomorrow to build any app to any scale without constraint. To establish ourselves as the best infrastructure for people to rely on, we're concentrating our efforts on a few central themes:

  • Ease of Use - We want to make Xano accessible to more people by simplifying the core experience and providing templates for faster deployment.
  • Community & Education - We want to grow our thriving community of builders and ensure they have the support and educational content they need to take their project to the finish line.
  • Developer Features - Xano is No-Code first, but Developer friendly. Traditional developers love using Xano because we continually build features that have prevented them from leveraging other No-Code tools in the past. Developers will always be needed and we want to be the bridge for them to supercharge their abilities in No-Code.

Xano has grown to tens of thousands of users purely through word of mouth, and it's because we're proving that with Xano, No-Code can be Scalable, Secure, and ready for the Enterprise.

We're just getting started and there's still lots of work to do. If you're excited about what we're doing, we're always looking for awesome people to join our team. Tell us how you can help by shooting us a note at jobs at xano dot com.