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Xano + React Studio = ❤️

Xano + React Studio = ❤️

We have an exciting announcement!

Xano’s RESTful API have always had the ability to connect to the frontend of your choice. Representational state transfer is a standard for a software architecture of interactive applications that use web services. This uses HTTP requests to access and use data. Today we’re announcing an awesome direct integration with the new and improved version of React Studio.

What is React?

React is an open-source, frontend, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or components. It is maintained by a community of individual developers, companies including Facebook & Instagram. React can be used as a base in the development of single page or mobile applications. Additionally, RESTful API are used to supercharge REACT applications. Consuming these RESTful API in a REACT application can be done in many ways.

What is React Studio?

React studio is must-have visual design software for React projects. Start from scratch or import from sketch, React Studio empowers you with a beautiful workflow builder to map your screens and interactions together in a seamless way.

Download React Studio for Mac

See their promo

Who is React Studio for?

Anyone building in React. Think of React Studio as an extra developer on your team that does the job of converting designs into React Components.  That’s right, after you build and test your responsive web application in React studio, it outputs clean and complete ReactJS projects without the bloat ready to integrate with a RESTful API.

How can I get started?

Step 1: Download React Studio for Mac

Step 2: Watch the video below or follow the step-by-step guide on React Studio’s blog

Building your first app in React Studio?

Follow along this video series as the React studio team show you to build a fully functioning Restaurant application along with Xano’s RESTful APIs.