Sean Montgomery

What Is A Restful API Documentation Tool And Is It Right For Me?

What Is A Restful API Documentation Tool And Is It Right For Me?

APIs (application programming interface) are software intermediaries that help facilitate information between different applications. They're basically the messengers
3 min read
Backend Developer Requirements: What You Should Know Getting Into The Field

Backend Developer Requirements: What You Should Know Getting Into The Field

When it comes to tech jobs, backend development is a high-paying, sustainable career. On average, backend developers make about 120k
5 min read
SQL: Create Database, Table Operations, And More

SQL: Create Database, Table Operations, And More

In programming, Structured Query Language (SQL) is used for managing data in a relational database management system (RDSMS). SQL remains
5 min read
5 Ways To Streamline Web App Development

5 Ways To Streamline Web App Development

It is no secret that web app development is a long, often complex process and that meeting deadlines is not
4 min read
Typescript Vs JavaScript: Which Is Right For Me?

Typescript Vs JavaScript: Which Is Right For Me?

JavaScript is the most popular programming language used worldwide, which may make it seem like the obvious choice for your
4 min read
The Seven Phases Of Software Development Life Cycle

The Seven Phases Of Software Development Life Cycle

The software development life cycle refers to the process used by the software industry to successfully take a project from
4 min read
Accelerate Digital Transformation With No Code Software Tools

Accelerate Digital Transformation With No Code Software Tools

Deloitte and Fortune recently surveyed CEOs about how their leadership has evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic. A whopping 85% reported
4 min read
How To Pick The Right No Code Solutions For Your Company

How To Pick The Right No Code Solutions For Your Company

The so-called no code revolution is a popular topic these days, and not just in the tech sphere. More and
4 min read
GraphQL vs Rest: All You Need To Know

GraphQL vs Rest: All You Need To Know

Since being introduced by Facebook in 2012, GraphQL has gotten considerable buzz in the API world. Presented as an alternative
4 min read
No Code Solutions: The Difference Between No Code & Low Code

No Code Solutions: The Difference Between No Code & Low Code

No code and low code are often used interchangeably, which is somewhat understandable. There is some overlap between the two
6 min read